Aug. 2 |
New Teacher Orientation |
1 |
Aug. 5 |
New Teacher Orientation |
1 |
Aug. 5-9 |
Teacher Workdays
(Division PD Day August 7)
(Open House August 8 - 12:00-7-00 |
5 |
Aug. 12 |
First Day of School |
Sept. 2 |
Labor Day Holiday (Offices Closed) |
Sept. 16 |
Professional Development Day
(School Closed for Students) |
1 |
Oct. 11 |
End of 1st 9 Weeks
Teacher Workday (School Closed for Students
42 |
Oct. 18 |
Report Cards Go Home |
Oct. 21 |
Conference Day (Conferences 12-7) |
1 |
Nov. 4 |
Professional Development Day
(School Closed for Students |
1 |
Nov. 5 |
Election Day
(School Closed for Students)
Teacher Virtual Workday |
1 |
Nov. 27-29 |
Thanksgiving Holiday (Offices Closed) |
Dec. 20 |
End of 2nd 9 Weeks
Teacher Workday (School Closed for Students)
43 |
Dec. 23 -Jan. 3 |
Winter Holiday (Offices Closed) |
85 |
11 |
Jan. 6 |
First Day of Second Semester |
Jan. 13 |
Report Cards Go Home |
Jan. 20 |
Martin Luther King Holiday
(Offices Closed) |
Feb. 17
Make-Up Snow Day - School in Session |
1 |
Mar. 13 |
End of 3rd 9 Weeks |
48 |
Mar. 14 |
Teacher Virtual Workday
(School Closed for Students) |
1 |
Mar. 20 |
Report Cards Go Home |
April 14-18 |
Spring Break
(Offices Closed April 16-18) |
May 23 |
Last Day of School |
45 |
May 24 |
Graduation |
May 26 |
Memorial Day (Offices Closed) |
May 27-28 |
Teacher Workdays |
2 |
93 |
3 |
178 |
14 |
The Bedford County Public School Calendar is initially developed around 180 instructional days. Extra instructional time beyond the 990 hour state minimum, however, can be used for early dismissals, late openings, and make-ups. Due to time scheduled beyond state requirements, the first 5 missed days will not be made up. Dates marked by an asterisk (*) above will be used to make up days or hours missed due to inclement weather beyond the first 5. Only in extreme circumstances will days during Thanksgiving, Winter, or Spring Breaks be used for make-up. Every effort will be made to communicate any calendar change to the school community as early as possible as decisions are made. Teachers may be required to report on snow days.
Approved 12/14/23