Parent Resources

For parent resources, please visit the following links:

Virginia 211
Horizon Behavioral Health
Patrick Henry Family Services
Kids Haven
Bedford Area Seniors Raising Kids
Conscious Discipline
One Pill Can Kill
Project Lifesaver - BCSO
Community Access Network - provides health services to anyone regardless of insurance status. 
Free Clinic of VA - Provides medical, dental, pharmacy, mental health, and health education services to those in Central Virginia who do not have the resources to obtain these essential healthcare services. 

If you need additional assistance or have questions, please contact your schools worker - BCPS  SSW / YFS Contacts

Government Assistance
Apply for VA Medicaid
Common Help VA - 
[Medicaid, Food Stamps, TANF, Child Care, Heating/Cooling Assistance, etc.] Waivers

Housing Resources
If you are at immediate risk of homelessness or are currently homeless, contact CHIA (Coordinated Homeless Intake and Access) - 434-427-2442

BCPS McKinney Vento - Homeless Support
McKinney Vento Forms

Food Resources 
Local Food Pantries: 
Agape Center (Lynchburg) - 540-200-3366
Bedford Christian Ministries - 540-586-2633
Bedford Church of God - 540-586-8706
Bedford Community Christmas Station - (540)589-0424
Churches for Urban Ministry - (434) 846-3028
Court Street Baptist - (434) 847-8209
Fairview UMC - (434) 845-4024
FARRR Foundation (The Lighthouse)- (434) 546-3385
Fellowship Church of Christ - (434) 528-3924
Hyland Heights Baptist Church - 4340258-9956
Lake Christian Ministries - 540-297-3214
Living Word - 434-845-4700
Love & Truth Community Church - 434-845-0200
Lynchburg Daily Bread - 434-845-5703
Lynchburg First Church of the Nazarene - 434-515-1413
Mountain View Church (Psalm 107 Food Pantry) - (434) 525-6612 New London Church - 434-515-1575
Park View - 434-845-8468 
Red Truck - 434-363-8438
Salvation Army - 434-845-5939
Shepherds Table - 540-587-6820
St. More Catholic Church - 434-237-8851
Timberlake Church - 434-239-1348
Tree of Life - 434-237-1572
We are the Village Foundation Inc - 434-851-9980

If you find yourself in urgent need of food and unable to access a pantry, you may visit the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank’s Lynchburg Warehouse for a non-perishable emergency food box.
501 12th Street
Monday—Friday 8am-12pm and 1pm-4:30pm
You may call ahead at 434-845-4099.  

Please visit the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank’s website for our “Food Finder” to find a pantry near you.